Many people are often curious as to the time period of Job’s life. Whenever I see a reoccurring question come to me I often write a short article on it to assist others who must have the same question as well. This article is being written during the week that we are preparing for Torah…
This week’s Torah portion of Shelach L’kha introduces a very practical commandment still applicable for us still today! In Torah parashah Sh’lach Lecha, after seeing that God’s people were having difficulty remembering and guarding God’s commandments, and thereby losing their intended blessing, we see an introduction to the principle of wearing a “reminder tassel” called a…
Tevilah and Mikvah During Biblical Times Tevilah is the Biblical act of immersing oneself in a natural living water source for ritual cleansing of sin and symbolizing death to the self-centered ego and rebirth to a new spiritual life of selfless love in harmony with the principles of God’s law of love – “Torah”. In…
(The following excerpts come from Rabbi Yitzchak’s book available at Amazon) Many may be surprised to find out that Yeshua kept the Written Law, the Oral Law and the traditions of Judaism as a Jewish Rabbi. Yeshua also taught his followers to do the same in Matt 23:3 saying, “All therefore, whatsoever, they [the Jewish…
A common quote from the new testament among believers is Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Yeshua.” This is usually stated to encourage us in our failures, but the sentence does not end there. It goes on to say “who do not walk according to the flesh, but…
Spiritually, Jerusalem, and in particular, Mount Moriah (i.e., the Temple Mount), is considered the most important place on earth, for the following reasons… Find out the 24 Reason why here!
Is there an Eternal Burning Hell? In the light of this week’s Torah portion called Acharei Mot meaning ” referring to after the death” of Nadav and Avihu who died in their sin before the LORD, many wonder what happens after death and is there an Eternal Burning Hell for the wicked? Recap: In previous…
Thoughts on The National Day of Prayer – May 4th… Intercessory Prayer Each week we have a segment in our service called “Family Time” where we share one another’s burdens, prayer requests, answered prayers, as well as our testimonies and praises! Even if you are not able to be at service or you live too…
The Torah (Leviticus 23:15) says it is a mitzvah every day to “count the Omer” – the 50 days leading up to Shavuot. This is an important period of growth and introspection, in preparation for the holiday of Shavuot which arrives 50 days later.
Many know that one of the most important activities that is part of the traditional preparation for Passover is the elimination of anything that has leaven in it (Hebrew: hametz)… but why is this so important? LEAVEN What is it and how do we keep the feast of unleavened bread? What is it we should be…