Bereishit 25:21 tells us that Yitzchak prayed for Rivka because she was barren and God accepted his prayer. One of the traits that distinguishes Yitzchak is his perseverance in affirmative prayer for a full twenty years… Yitzchak never stops believing and never gives up on her, but rather continues to pray until Hashem gives him children through her! Affirmative prayer is the same…
Many do not realize that God’s plan of reconciling and saving the world is by grafting them into the literal family of Israel and giving them the privilege of sharing in the promises God made to Israel concerning his covenant with Abraham, an inheritance in the land and a hope in the coming Messiah! Rabbi…
In the context of this week’s Torah focus on the life of Sarah and the example that she and Rivkah set for all righteous woman after them, the question arises about modesty and dress for all godly woman who desire to follow in the footsteps of our Matriarchs of blessed memory. In Bereshit (Genesis) 24:65…
This week’s parsha Vayera contains the famous story of the Akeidah Yitzchak [Binding of Yitzchak] and so I would like to relate further insight on this topic as an example for us in the context of passing our tests with the amazing Emunah faithfulness our Forefathers had! In Bereshit [Genesis] chapter 22 it tells the…
Jeremiah 17:10 says “I, YHVH, search the mind, I try the heart, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” So we clearly see that God does search our hearts for sincerity and tests our will for resolve to be quick to serve Him without ulterior motive… Like Abraham who it is said was always quick to obey and never thought negative or grumbled in his heart… A great example for us!
Many ancient manuscripts and Dead Sea Scrolls equate Melchizedek with Shem, and to support this understanding, I provide a few quotes…
In light of God having “called out” Avraham in this week’s Torah parashah Lech Lecha, you may be surprised to find the many scriptural references to God calling out His assembly from the earliest of times… If you are being called out of something, you are naturally being called from something to something. If you are…
In contextual contrast, right after God describes the hybridization of the human race by the fallen Watchers in Genesis 6:1-7 (see also Enoch and Jubilees 6), the scriptures purposely contrast that Noach was pure in his genealogy (inferring inherited DNA) in Genesis 1:8-9 setting the scene for why he was saved.!
The importance of Understanding God in the context of Our true Divine Identity and the prophetic concept behind man being created in the image of God at the end of the sixth day! God is spirit… That spirit is conscience selfless love and the core essence of life itself. Man’s core essence and identity is…
In the early days of Cain and Abel the offerings were not so much for sin as they were of gratitude and this was shown by giving some of the best firstfruits of what God had provided… whether fruit, grain or livestock. Deuteronomy 26:2 says, “Take some of the firstfruits of all that you produce from the soil of the land the LORD your God is giving you and put them in a basket.”- Keeping this idea in mind, let’s compare the nature of Abel’s sacrifice with Cain’s sacrifice.