Messianic Prophecies


The Importance and Beauty of Tzitzit

This week’s Torah portion of Shelach L’kha introduces a very practical commandment still applicable for us still today! In Torah parashah Sh’lach Lecha, after seeing that God’s people were having difficulty remembering and guarding God’s commandments, and thereby losing their intended blessing, we see an introduction to the principle of wearing a “reminder tassel” called a…

What does it mean to be Grafted into Israel?

The Scriptures say that God has made a way for Gentiles to convert to the God of Israel and become a part of His people just like the example of the Egyptians, and Midianites who converted and stood with our fore-fathers receiving the covenant at Mount Sinai!  If you are cannot say for sure that you are Israel, consider coming into covenant with the God of Israel and being grafted-in and experience the blessings of being apart of G-d’s people!  Here is what the Bible says about being Grafted in…

Hanukkah and the Great Miracle that Happened on it!

Christmas is soon approaching—the season when much of the world erroneously celebrates the miracle birth of Yeshua (known to the Christian world as Jesus)… However, the great miracle of the Word made flesh did not begin with the birth but with the conception of Yeshua… and another celebration remembering the dedication of the Temple of Yah… Hanukkah!

Yeshua was born on Sukkot

How Yeshua was born on the Feast of Tabernacles

The Word literally “Tabernacled” in Human Flesh on God’s Holy Day for Tabernacling John 1:14 relates Yeshua’s body as temporary dwelling like a tabernacle/booth: And the Word was made flesh, and “tabernacled” among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” Many versions…

God's 12 Step Wedding Plan

Yom Teruah and God’s 12 Step Wedding Plan

Yom Teruah is the prophetic foreshadow of the coming of Messiah and the Marriage of the Lamb.  This year we celebrate it starting the evening of the 25th after sundown.  The ancient Jewish wedding is a custom that every believer should study and understand. Why? Because Yah Himself instituted and followed the steps of a…