The following is a list of the 613 Mitzvot according to Rambam organized by Parashah…
This week’s Torah portion of Shelach L’kha introduces a very practical commandment still applicable for us still today! In Torah parashah Sh’lach Lecha, after seeing that God’s people were having difficulty remembering and guarding God’s commandments, and thereby losing their intended blessing, we see an introduction to the principle of wearing a “reminder tassel” called a…
In this article we share further about the laws of lashon hara and we discuss the harmful effects of negative speech and slander which we see so rampant even now in the spiritual attacks currently being hurled against God’s people.
Many new to Torah observance wonder and worry with misunderstanding that it is impossible to keep the Torah with its many commandments and ordinances, but in fact one should not worry or be so concerned as there are many Mitzvot we can not do in today’s generation… read more and find out which ones!
Was God’s Law done away with? Let’s find out what scripture says!
In context of our Torah parashah “Yitro” this week where we read the account of the Revelation at Sinai and the giving of the 10 commandments written with God’s own finger, I thought it would be fun to share a further description of the “tables of stone” as we have had many questions on the…
As Yom Teruah nears (the Fall Feast that foreshadows Messiah’s coming on a future day of Trumpeting), we think about what it means to be ready for the Messiah as a Bride without spot or blemish… Join us in a beautiful journey of preparing as a Beautiful Bride!
How and when and to whom should we Confess is a common question asked from those raised Catholic but not often asked by others, and yet it is such an important spiritual principle to understand! Let’s look at what the Bible says…