
A teacher must be sound in Torah truths, as he is responsible for the instruction of others and there are big woes from God through the prophet Jeremiah about Shepherd’s who lead the flock astray. ““Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! … “My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray.” (Jer. 23:1) Those who subscribe to false ideas must not be permitted to spread their error.

In view of these requirements, it becomes easier to understand why the inspired writer James admonishes: “Be not many of you teachers” (3:1). It is not that he would discourage teaching; it is just that we must take this responsibility very seriously.

The New Testement writers have a lot to say about teachers and teaching. The basic Greek word for to teach is “didaktikos”. This word is used twice in the Bible:

1Tim 3:2 “given to hospitality, apt to teach”
2Tim 2:24 “gentle unto all (men), apt to teach”

The verse in 1Tim is related to the qualifications of an elder. The second verse is a portion of the characteristics of every servant of the Lord. The word “didaktos” is used in

John 6:45 “they shall be all taught of God”
1Cor 2:13 “not words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Ruach HaQodesh teacheth”

Isaac – Servant Leader and Torah Teacher

Bio A Rabbi is a teacher and a Pastor is someone who takes care of God’s sheep and we are happy to say that Isaac is both to us!  Rabbi Isaac is the full-time Torah teacher and Senior Pastor/Rabbi at the Assembly of Called-Out Believers, and an International speaker, teacher, author and humanitarian, and is also…

Jeff – Elder

Jeff Steadman is an Elder and Speaker at the Assembly of Called-Out Believers

Mark – Elder

Mark Byrd is is an Elder and Speaker at the Assembly of Called-Out Believers