Torah parashah Yitro covers Exodus 18:1 – 20:23 and tells of Yitro’s (Jethro’s) organizational counsel to Moses and God’s revelation of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. In this study Rabbi Isaac focuses on the importance of being grafted into Israel like Yitro and the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with Israel and then received the blessing of being apart of God’s betrothal at Sinai and receiving the Ketubah revealing how to love God and our fellow man!
Learn in Torah parashah Bo about how God allows us to experience the negative cause and effect destruction of holding onto our stubbornness or we can choose to be under the “blood covering of the Lamb” and be blessed with protection, health and prosperity! This parashah tells of the last three plagues on Egypt, instruction on how to observe the New Moon of Aviv in the Spring as the first month of the religious calendar and instruction on how to observe the first Passover.
Learn in Torah parashah Va’eira more about Elohim’s further revelation of Himself and the principles behind the plagues that each deal with a different idol in the lives of the Egyptians, and find out how to apply that to our own lives today! Find prophetic correlations with how the Parashah ends with the 7th plague of hail and see how this hints at the 7th and final plague in the book of Revelation!
Learn in parashah Shemot about the Israelites’ affliction in Egypt, the hiding and rescuing of the infant Moses, Moses in Midian, the calling of Moses, circumcision on the way, meeting the elders, and Moses before Pharaoh!
The parashah tells of Jacob’s request for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s death and burial, and Joseph’s death. Learn the symbolism of the different tribes from Jacobs blessing and how it prophetically hints at their futures! Teaching For Shabbat of December 30th, 2023(Donate and support this Ministry by clicking here) Torah: Genesis 47:28-50:26Haftarah: I Kings…
Learn the symbolism of Joseph and Benjamin and Judah as different aspects of Messiah’s mission! In this parashah, we see the reoccuring theme of intercession as Judah interceeds on behalf of his brother Benjamin, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and then interceeds to Pharoah for land in Goshen for his family coming from Canaan. Jacob comes down to Egypt, and Joseph’s administration of Egypt saves lives but transforms all the Egyptians into bondmen.
Learn the symbolism of Joseph and Benjamin as different aspects of Messiah and the correlation with Joseph being brought forth from the pit (on Rosh Hashana/Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpeting) and those who will be brought forth from the pit of Death when Messiah comes on a future Day of Trumpeting! Contemplate the lessons for us in needing to have discernment and wisdom like Joseph to prepare for the coming famine (both Spiritual and Physical) and be a blessing to not only our families but all that God brings to us!
Learn about the Prophetic Song of Moses in Torah Parashah Ha’azinu from Rabbi Yitzchak and how it correlates to the Song of the Lamb!
The Founder and President of Cepher Publishing Group, LLC., Dr. Stephen Pidgeon is a political scientist with a Doctorate of Philosophy, and an active attorney with a Juris Doctorate in the state of Washington. In collaboration with a group of students of scripture, he is responsible for the creation and publication of the Eth CEPHER;…
This week is another double Torah portion covering both Torah Parsha Acharei Mot as well as Torah Parsha Kedoshim… Acharei Mot (אַחֲרֵי מוֹת) — Hebrew for “after the death” or “after,” the fifth and sixth words or the fifth word, and the first distinctive word or words, in the parashah) is the 29th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה,…