
#47 Parashah “Re’eh” with Torah and Haftarah video studies

Teaching For Shabbat of August 31st, 2024
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Torah: Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17
HaftarahIsaiah 54:11 – 55:5

Re’eh (רְאֵה‎)— Hebrew for “see”, the first word in the parashah) is the 47th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) covering Deuteronomy 11:26–16:17 in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah readings.

Rabbi Isaac’s Weekly Whiteboard:

Re'eh Whiteboard by Rabbi Yitzchak

Torah Parsha Re’eh Summary

Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17

See,” says Moses to the people of Israel, “I place before you today a blessing and a curse”—the blessing that will come when they fulfill God’s commandments, and the curse if they abandon them. These should be proclaimed on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal when the people cross over into the Holy Land.

Temple should be established in “the place that God will choose to make dwell His name there,” where the people should bring their sacrifices to Him; it is forbidden to make offerings to God in any other place. It is permitted to slaughter animals elsewhere, not as a sacrifice but to eat their meat; the blood (which in the Temple is poured upon the altar), however, may not be eaten.

false prophet, or one who entices others to worship idols, should be put to death; an idolatrous city must be destroyed. The identifying signs for kosher animals and fish, and the list of non-kosher birds (first given in Leviticus 11), are repeated.

A tenth of all produce is to be eaten in Jerusalem, or else exchanged for money with which food is purchased and eaten there. In certain years this tithe is given to the poor instead. Firstborn cattle and sheep are to be offered in the Temple, and their meat eaten by the kohanim (priests).

The mitzvah of charity obligates a Jew to aid a needy fellow with a gift or loan. On the Sabbatical year (occurring every seventh year), all loans are to be forgiven. All indentured servants are to be set free after six years of service.

Our Parshah concludes with the laws of the three pilgrimage festivals—PassoverShavuot and Sukkot—when all should go to “see and be seen” before God in the Holy Temple.


For further Torah study on parashah “Re’eh”, please enjoy the latest illustrated Dvar Torah video teaching below… Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac as he takes your understanding to an even deeper level!  Enjoy and be blessed!


Torah For Your Children…

For a simple cartoon summary of the Torah parashah for your children we recommend the following video below:


Isaiah 54:11 – 55:5

This week’s haftorah is the third of a series of seven “haftarot of Consolation.” These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b’Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

God addresses the “afflicted and storm-tossed” Jerusalem “who has not been comforted,” assuring her that she, and her people, will be restored to full glory. The foundation, walls and ground of Jerusalem will be laid with precious stones. Her children will be “disciples of the Lord,” and will enjoy abundant peace. Any weapon engineered against her will fail.

The prophet then invites the thirsty to acquire “water,” namely those who are thirsty for spirituality should study the quenching words of Torah. He promises the nation an everlasting covenant similar to that made with King David. This is also an allusion to the MessiahDavid‘s descendant, who will be revered by all of the nations of the world.

We hope this teaching blesses you in your spiritual understanding and growth! As we are solely supported by your Tzedakah charity, please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth by giving a love offering here.

Also if you have a need for prayer, please write us and let us know how to pray for you and we feel privileged to be intercessors in prayer for all our worldwide family! 

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Study by Rabbi Isaac. © Assembly of Called-Out Believers.
Website: Use by Permission


  1. It was interesting fo find out about the pigs etc I never fully understood why. I notice in the grocery stores here in Australia you mainly have pork, everything else is either way too expensive or just not available. Basically forcing people into eating the pork. I am living on my block now and I wake up everyday listening to the birds sing in the bush around me. God is awesome. If fearing the Lord our God is to live in awe of him then I fear Him greatly indeed. He is wonderful! Amazing! Thank you, you always add that little extra to help us truly understand and guide us graciously in the right way to follow our Lord God Almighty. Blessings on you, your family and all the congregation.

  2. It seems that there is a proliferation of pork product in the grocery stores lately. It is
    sad to see so many people being deceived with food choices. It is a blessing to learn the truth and share it with others. Thank you for sharing the truth and explaining
    it in a way that is understandable.

    May you be blessed in all that you do.

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