I originally wrote this article when I was in Ireland reaching out to the descendants of Israel there and having found new evidence to support that Patrick was not Catholic but a Torah observant believer! What many do not realize is that the first few centuries the church was still messianic and focused on reaching out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel much as Y’hoshua instructed and we are doing through the Assembly of Called-Out Believers and the Commonwealth of Israel organizations.
One thing to remember, much history has been changed through the years and much truth has been perverted! One example in Patricks case is that the Pope never ordained Patrick in Rome, and Patrick was never a Catholic. He was a Messianic Jew! The Roman Catholic Church has changed more than doctrine. They rewrote history.
Robert Heider is the scholar promoting St. Patrick as a Messianic Jew. His source being the medieval Book of Leinster, stored under lock and key in Trinity College, Dublin. He quotes Patrick as a “son of Israel.” His ancestors were among the Jewish believers in Messiah Yeshua who fled Jerusalem in 70 A.D when Rome sacked the Holy City.
Patrick was born in 360 A.D. His father was a deacon in the celtic church and it was the celtic church which remained the last surviving outpost of the first century apostolic church. And it operated in miracles.
Signs and wonders had powered the early church, spurring its growth until the 4th century, when compromise with Paganism under Constantine pulled the plug. No more power. God’s Glory departed . . . except in remote outposts. One was 4th century Ireland, in the Celtic church.
The Celtic church did not believe in purgatory, did not pray to Mary, and did not honor the Pope. Clergy married and reared children. Believers, not infants, were baptized by immersion. They celebrated Passover, not Easter and kept God’s 7th day Sabbath. They shunned unclean meats and decried the Roman Church’s hierarchy. Perhaps as we go back to understanding Patrick we need to see him in a new light.
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Study by Rabbi Isaac. © Assembly of Called-Out Believers.
Website: CalledOutBelievers.org. Use by Permission
Thank you for telling us about Patrick, the messianic jew. I love finding out all this infirmation.
Shalom Rabbi Isaac: Interesting about your comments about St. Patrick, they sound plausible–what is you feeling about Peter being the first pope–it seems ludicrous to me, having a Messianic Jew for pope, but the poor catholics have been led astray for years–God even told them not to worship Mary(Miriam)nor pray to her, but that is exactly what they do, unfortuately to their own detriment. Thanks Isaac, I will await your comments with anticipation. Richard.
Yes I agree Richard… there was no seperate religion created in the first century and Rome was still a pagan world power but did not change form into Papal Rome until after Constantine in the fourth century!
Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Isaac: you are in the land of many of our ancestors! Isn’t it amazing how truths are revealed after all these years, I appreciate you sharing this! Be blessed!
I am trying to conduct my own research into the early Celtic Church, and St. Patrick. One interesting piece I have come upon is the liber ex lege Moisi (the book of the Law of Moses) that Patrick left with the newly planted churches.
That being said, I am interested in following up on some of the sources you used for this blog and was hoping you could point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Question.. can you explain treasures in heaven ? What exactly are they? Suffering loss in my family, could a loved , non believer be a treasure?
I found this facinating – and thank you for it!
For many years I have looked into the Early “Christian” faith of the British Isles. The oldest written document by a British Christian is “on the Christian Life” (OTCL). This is attributed to Pelagius (a Celtic Irish/Welsh Bible teacher) and was used against him by Augustine at a Synod in 415AD at Diospolis (Lod in modern Israel) to try to accuse Pelagius of Heresy. Pelagius was living in Israel at the time.
I have studied this short document minutely for many years and it conforms that Celtic Christians were Torah keepers. One extract from OTCL might be of interest:
7, 1. But lest anyone think or believe that I am merely expressing my own personal opinion or suppose that he can afford to dismiss it lightly, because one speaks in accordance with one’s own inclination rather than with the authority of the law, I shall now begin to offer examples of that law itself, both old and new, by whose precepts the entrance to life is opened up for us, and to show what God has commanded the human race to observe from the beginning of the foundation of the world and in what respects he has always been pleased or offended.
Thank you Isaac, I’m a celt & some of us believe our roots lie in the scattered Northern tribes which came to Britain & Ireland with the trading Phoenicians who came for copper, gold & tin. Irish & Scottish saints were Torah observant inc the feasts holding out at Synod of Whitby AD663 against the Rome infuence that came into England in the 4th century. The Viking attacks from 800 to 1000 sadly broke up many of the monastic settlements with the Normans invading from England in late 1100s. They brought the Roman church in to help control the natives! There is an increasing understanding of our Hebrew roots & in the coming move of YHWH. He spoke in a 2003 prophecy of His glory falling on His twin children, little Israel & little Ireland. I’m blest to live in NE Ireland anticipating soon return of glory days!