'Israel' tagged posts

The UN General Assembly just backed a Palestinian State bid for membership paving the way for future Prophetic fulfillment!

Today the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution with 143 votes in favor and nine against – including the U.S. and Israel… which is a hugh step toward further prophetic fulfillment in the near future! The resolution “determines that the State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and it “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favorably.”

Praying for Israel in this Time of War

God, our Strength and Protection, we pray for the State of Israel in this devastating time of war, shock and grief. Our hearts are breaking, God. We pray for the lives of the innocent civilians who have been heartlessly kidnapped by Hamas, bring them home, watch over them, God. We pray for the lives of…

Coronavirus: A Wake-Up Call to the Nations

In these uncertain times many people are asking what is the prophetic meaning of this Coronavirus and if this pestilence fulfills anything in Revelation… as everyone is wondering how long this will last and what will happen next…

Palestinians Win Votes to Lead Major UN Group

Palestinians are set to lead the Group of 77, a coalition of developing states within the UN system. The Palestinian chairmanship was backed by the majority of UN member states, lending further credence to charges that the UN is structurally biased against Israel.